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Assessor's Department

Town Government: Department

The Assessor of the Town of Avon is obligated by New York State law to maintain assessments at a uniform percentage of market value. The Assessor is responsible for establishing and maintaining assessments, retain and updating inventory records, processing and storing transfers/sales, tax maps and administering exemptions. We receive copies of all permits issued by the Department of Planning & Zoning. This information is recorded on our computers and used to update our property record cards.

The Assessor prepares the Assessment Roll each year that lists information for each property in the Town. When the Assessment Roll is finalized each year it becomes the base upon which annual real property tax levies are derived. An accurate Assessment Roll is vital to the delivery of public services and maintaining the fiscal strength of local government.

Another function of the Assessor's Office is the administration of many exemptions for which property owners may quality.


(Pursuant to Section 506 of the Real Property Tax Law)

All exemption applications can be picked up in our office, downloaded here or on the NYS Department of Tax & Finance website ( They must be filed in our office by March 1st.

Notice is hereby given that the Assessor has completed the TENTATIVE Assessment Roll for the Town of Avon in the County of Livingston for the year2024. The Roll will be filed May 1, 2024 and may be seen and examined by any person until the fourth Tuesday of May.

The Board of Assessment Review will meet to hear complaints at The Avon Town Hall located at 23 Genesee St, Avon, NY, on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 from 4:00-8:00pm. Grievance forms are available in the Assessor’s office or online at

The Assessor will be in attendance with the roll at The Avon Assessor’s Office located at 27 Genesee St, Avon, NY on Tuesday May 7, 14, 21 from 9:30-12:00 and 1:30-3:00 as well as Tuesday May 14 from 6:00-8:00pm. Please call 585-226-2425, ext 17 if you wish to make an appointment during those times (please leave a voice message with your phone number for day and evening and your call will be returned)

In accordance with Section 526 of the Real Property Tax Law, a publication containing procedures for contesting an assessment is available at the Assessor's Office.

Tami Snyder, Assessor Town of Avon

2024 town of avon final assessment roll
To ensure that our assessment records reflect the most current mailing address and to ensure that our tax bills are sent to the correct address, please notify this office of any mailing address changes.

If you are assessed fairly, but feel that your taxes are too high:

Assessors do not determine your property taxes. If you feel as though your assessment accurate reflects the market value of your property, but you still feel that your property taxes are too high, you may wish to address this mater with the taxing jurisdictions that impose taxes in your community-school board, county legislature, town board, fire district and other special districts.

Assessor, Tami Snyder
Phone: 585-226-2425, ext.17

Assessor's Clerk, Jill Formella
Phone: 585-226-2425, ext. 16

Tuesday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Wednesday: 9:00am - 3:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Friday: 9:00am - 12:00pm

Parcel Combination Request Form Enhanced Star Exemption Application
Enhanced Star Exemption IVP Form
Senior Citizen Exemption Application
Senior Citizen Income Exemption Worksheet
Veteran Exemption Application
Grievance Form
Contesting Your Assessment in NYS Instructions Request for Change of Address Form

All exemptions must be filed by March 1st.

Mail completed forms to:
Town of Avon
Assessor's Office
27 Genesee St.
Avon, N.Y. 14414

Important Legal Dates on the Assessment Calendar:
  • Taxable status date: March 1st
  • Tentative assessment roll filed: May 1st
  • Grievance day: First Wednesday following the Fourth Tuesday in May
  • Final assessment roll filed: July 1st.
  • Current municipal rolls can be viewed here