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The Town of Avon is updating their Comprehensive Plan!

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Highway Department

Town Government: Town Highway Department

Town Highway Department
5390 Agar Road
Avon, New York 14414
Phone: 585-226-8401
Fax: 585-226-9085

Town Highway Superintendent - Tom Crye (
Deputy Highway Superintendent - Tom Cook
Town Highway Crew - Eric Hendrick, Billy Rodgers
Usually the 2nd Saturday in
May & September
at the Highway Barns
from 8 am to 12 noon

Brush and Yard Clippings:
Monday-Thursday 6:00AM – 4:30PM and Saturday from 8AM – Noon
There is an area for brush and yard clippings to be dropped off located and clearly marked behind the Highway Barns on Agar Road.

For any questions, please contact
Kim McDowell